Daily Fun Fact

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Picture 409 | A Walk through the "Park"-Part 3...

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday.
I try to go for Wednesdays.
However, something happened yesterday.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas 2016

T'is the day before Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Picture 408 | A Walk through the Park-Part 2...

So…. I have some news.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Picture 407 | A Walk through the Park-Part 1...

So, it begins.
This is the start of the Park Videos!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Picture 406 | The End of the Jolly Molly...

So, this took a while.
It was just hard to get through.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Picture 405

So, today was an ok day for me!
I know I usually ask how your week was, but don’t care.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Picture 404

Today has just been one of those days.
The past few days have…… :-\

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Picture 403

I’m late a day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Picture 402

Here we are again!
This post might be a little short.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Picture 401

Umm.. hi.
I haven’t done this in a while.
I just made the epic Picture 400 only two days ago.
Now, I’m here with yet another picture.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Picture 400!!!!

How you be?
I be fine.
If you didn’t notice, I’ve been missing for three weeks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Picture 399

So…. Ummmm…
This week, I wanted to tell a story.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Picture 398

SO! How’s your week?
I think I’m dead.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Picture 397

This has been an exciting week!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Picture 396

How's life?
Have you died recently?
Please contact your doctor if your death lasts more than four hours.
I'm pretty sure I've died!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Picture 395

I took a week off.
I went to my Aunt’s house to work on school work.
And after we got done… I didn’t want to go home.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Picture 393

So….. hi. :-\
Today’s been a rough day.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Picture 392

So ummm….
My brain hurts.
As you can tell, I started college.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Picture 391

I have some sad news.
I’m feeling happy for once.
Happier than yesterday.
I know that’s frowned upon these days.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Picture 390

This post might be long.
I don't know.
I might give up typing and it will abruptly……

Friday, August 5, 2016


9:00 AM
This has been an eventful week.
I was going to upload the picture that shows what happened….but………
There was an issue with my computer and I didn't get it uploaded in time.
Plus, it was my B-Day.
I kind-of wanted to do a picture.
So, I'll just push it off till Wednesday.
As for today!
Today is my birthday!!!
Throughout the day, I'll add more and more to this post.
Telling you how my day is going.

9:30 AM
Right now I'm in the car.
My mom has Doctor appointments.
Then we have to go to Wally World.
So, I get to spend a day in the truck…. AGAIN!

11:00 AM
Ok, all done.
We did some Wally World business stuff.
Making sure we both still have jobs.
I had a few people say happy B-Day.
AWWW!! How nice!!
Still no presents though...................... :-|

11:45 AM
It's time to upload the picture for today.
It's a bit random and crazy, but here it is....
Do you like it?
I wanted something crazy and random.
That'll do!
It took me while to make.
I was up at 5 AM getting it done!
I will do an actual BTS post tomorrow along with the videos I'm recording today.

12:00 PM
I wasn't only working on the picture at 5 AM.
From 1-4 I was fixing things.
Sometimes computers don't like to work.
Then, I got to figuring out ways of doing things better.
The computer downstairs has been lonely for a while.
I was thinking of ways to use it.
I like it better because it's a mouse and keyboard.
Old school desktop.
Things get done faster and more efficient.
But I can't use it because all my files are upstairs on my HDD that's plugged into my laptop.
I always wanted to link the two.
I can remote control each of them, but I wanted to share files.
Like edit a project on one and pick it up on the other.
Or edit a video on one and render it on the other.
That'll let me edit videos faster because I could do two at once.
I needed a server or something.
But that requires LAN cables and money.
So, if you have a question.... you google it.
So I did and BOOM!
My mind was opened.
Windows had it BUILT IN!!
But there was an issue.
The two computers are far apart when it comes to OS's.
But I got around that and successfully set up a private network!
But I could only get to my computer files.
I needed my HDD files.
All I had to do was allow it to be shared.
AND BOOM!!! I can access my HDD files from the computer downstairs!!
I loaded up an old Photoshop project and did some edits on the desktop.
Then I loaded that same project on the laptop and the edits carried over!!
IT.... WORKED!!!
However, there's a catch.
I used Premiere Elements 13 for videos...
The desktop can't run it.
They cut support for Vista.
I do still have Elements 11 though.
I tried loading 11's projects into 13 and it worked.
But you can't load 13's projects into 11.
But while I was using 11 again, I wondered why I switched....
Because it's all the same.
So, I just install 11 onto the laptop.
I'll just use it to edit video again.
In fact, I can load 11 and 13 at the same time on the laptop!
I have a lot of videos edited in 13.
So, I could finish those and render them in 13, and at the same time work on new ones in 11.
And the files work across both computers.
I need to be able to do at lot at once.
With school projects and my own projects...
I'll be busy.
I hope my computers can keep up!!

1:00 PM
My Aunt is going to stop by.
We are going to make sure that I'm all ready for school.
I'm concerned about my aid.
I might have to owe money for books!!
We'll see how it goes....

3:30 PM
The reason my aid was so low was because it all wasn't there.
We just checked now and I have a BOAT LOAD!!
So, we used it to buy my books.
Then we finished up setting up aid direct depositing and other things.
It all begins in two weeks!

6:00 PM
I'm being KIDNAPPED!!!
We are going to see a movie!

9:30 PM
(that's a guess on what time it was)
That movie was ok.
I don't know what the fuss was about.
Now we are on the way to see fireworks!!

11:30 PM
I'm home.
The baseball game went into overtime!
It's at 16 endings!!!
We left at 13.
So, we didn't get to see any fireworks.
Today was fun!
A lot of good happened.
There is an issue with the server thing.
But I'm working it out!

11:30 AM
(the next day)
I'm not going to be able to upload the video of the BTS post for the picture today.
It's not done and it's already 11:30.
I won't render and upload in time.
So, next Wednesday will be a big day!
All in one post.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Picture 389

So, how you be?
I skipped a day because I felt like it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Picture 388

So, is the world still spinning?
I know my head is!
My brain hurts…
This week has been…. Busy.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Picture 387

I’m currently with my sister in the hospital.
She's having surgery today to fix her foot.
So, I'm here for moral support.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Picture 386

So, hello!
Good morning.
It’s a lazy post today.
I have had issues with EVERYTHING the past few days.
And there isn't anything to talk about yet.
Well, there is.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Picture 385

So yo bro.
Word up.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Picture 384

So… How be you?
Do you how do?
Anything new?
I don't care.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Picture 383

I’ve been taking a lot of extra time off recently.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Picture 382

I've been a bit lazy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Picture 381

So, how's it goin’?
Sorry that I've been gone for a whole week.
I was hoping to be in a better mind set.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Picture 380

How are you?
I'm doing ok.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Picture 379

So, umm… Hi.
I can explain.
One of my fellow co-workers had something come up and I took his shift.
That’s why I didn't do a post yesterday.
Now, about working.
I typed this pretty fast.

So, it's got some grammar issues.
Be ready.
Look at the new picture.
Doesn't it look like I'm working at Babies R Us?
It doesn't! You say.
Well, that's because I'm not.
Now your all wondering why!?
After everything that happened!
Well…. I'm not sure.
Mostly because of the pay.
Sorry, but it's true.
When you go from working 40 hours at $9 down to 20 hours at $7.25, there's a difference.
And right now, I need as much money as I can get.
Here's the thing, I would have already been at Wally World.
I've been trying for five months to get back in.
Everything time I went in there the mangers asked if I'm coming back.
Or they'll put a word in for me to get back in.
What word is it?
I went in and talked to EVERY manager.
Except for one of course.
But because I didn't want to talk to him, he wouldn’t let me come back.
I did give in and talked to him.
All I said was “can I come back”.
He said “Yes.”
But did I come back…. NO!
He just wanted to mess with me.
So I went next door to Sam's Club.
They said they’d hire me.
Did they?
They lied to me too!
So after a months of nonsense, I went somewhere else.
Because I needed a job.
My mom said to hold out just a little bit longer.
Because something big was about to go down.
She sensed it in the air.
But I didn't.
And of course, two days after I got hired at BRU, someone got fired.
But it was too late.
I wanted to see what this new job was like anyways!
It was all rainbows and butterflies at first.
After three weeks…..I lost my mind.
I hate people.
That's why it's just me in the pictures.
I only like me.
Being on the register is what killed it.
I'm a stocker!
It's like having to go on the door at Wally World to cover a door greeters lunch.
I slowly die inside.
I can't stop moving.
So, when I have to stand in a space and not leave it.
….. I die!
I need a time-lapse of the security cameras at both places.
I'd like to watch me pace around like a mad man.
The job at BRU just wasn't for me.
So, I updated my Wally World application and left it at they.
I didn't go in and talk.
I didn't do anything.
I want to see if they noticed.
…..and they did.
They called.
I said yes.
And boom!
I was in.
That fast!
But then I had an issue.
I had to put in my two weeks at BRU.
There's the problem.
Wally World, I like the job.
Hiding outside, in my own world.
Away from everyone.
But I also hated the people.
But most of them have left.
They got kicked out as well.
Moving on.
At BRU, I liked the people.
But hated the job.
It's true.
I did.
But the people were awesome.
I really didn't like saying goodbye.
But I had too.
While I finished my two weeks, on my days off I went to Wally World.
I got all the new hire things done.
So, when the time at BRU is up, I can start at Wally World right after.
It was the next day in fact.
Now…it's all done.
Now that I'm back I feel….happy.
Everyone else is happy to see me.
It's like I never left.
Sure the job is tough, but I'll get over it.
I doing extra steps to make sure I don't die.
Because I am still broken.
I didn't start out at $10 like they said.
All new hired have to “earn it”.
I'm 32 hours at $9.
So, a day less than what I was at.
I still have my Sunday's and Wednesday's off!
And I got paid last night.
I'm making DOUBLE of what I was at BRU.
It still it a lot but it's a start.
Sorry about the long rambling that just happened.
It's a complicated story.
This past year has been complicated.
Anyways, that's all I have.
I could touch on the other things in life.
I got my financial aid stuff in the mail.
I still don't have to card with the money.
But I got to see how much I'm getting.
It's big.
I'll be able to get the things I need.
Like a new computer…..
And a new lens.
I don't need a new camera for once.
I'm fine with what I have!
I can't think of anything else to say.
This picture wasn't that hard to make.
There's a boat load of those purple trees everywhere.
So, I wanted to get a picture of one.
And a while back I made a picture of me at work.
It was a month before I left.
I was dying in the picture because it was a hot almost summer night.
And I was alone out there.
Fun times!
Things still haven't changed!
So, I wanted to re-do it.
I noticed a cart next to that area…..
So….I just nonchalantly went over and got it.
With the GoPro in my hand.
I was still working.
I'm always working!
I didn't go out of my way to make it.
Then a little brightness, contrast, and saturation.
All done.
This was before I cropped it.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our on split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
Hopefully I got everything covered.
You can also see all this in the Monthly Update.
There isn't a BTS for this picture.
I made it too fast.
Plus, it was going to tie into the update video.
It's a long video!
It covers a lot.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
All done!
Thanks for reading this random post.
Hopefully thing will get better.
I still haven't died yet.
I'm looking forward to the future!
It looks promising.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Picture 378

So, this week has been fun!
Things have calmed down.
Both inside and outside my brain.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Picture 377

So, how are you?
I don't really care.
Let's talk about me!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Picture 376

So, I almost didn't have a picture today.
I was just going to wait until tomorrow.
But, I wanted to do something.
So…. I did.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Picture 375

I'd say we had a successful April Fool’s day!
What am I going to do next year?
I don't know.
I can't think of want I'm doing next week!
Or…. today!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Picture 374 | April Fools Day 2016

I don't know how to say this.
It just sort of happened.
As you can see in the new picture…..
I got a new car…

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Picture 373

So, um…hello.
How y'all doin’?
“I'm doing fine” you say.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Picture 372

So…..I'm sick.
That's why I didn't do anything yesterday.
It's getting better.
What did I do today?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Picture 371 | Seven Years...

So, how you doin’?
This post is going to be short.
Seven years ago today, I made my YouTube channel.
And it's also when I made this blog and all my other sites.
Not all at once of course.
I set the plan.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Picture 370

So! How's it going?
You're reading this!
That's what!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Picture 369

So! How's life?
Things have been going great for me!
Well, sort of.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Picture 368

So, today was exciting!
One step closer to actually doing something!
It's wonderful!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Picture 367

So! This post is going to be short.
The groundhog lied!
Look at this!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Picture 366

So…Happy late Groundhog Day. 
To bad I didn't get stuck on that day for ten years. 
That would be scary, yet exciting. 
No rules! 
Punch an old lady! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Picture 365

So, I have had an interesting week.
I have to go against my plan though.