Daily Fun Fact

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Picture 378

So, this week has been fun!
Things have calmed down.
Both inside and outside my brain.

I've just been chillin’.
This post isn't going to be too fancy.
I want to relax!
The kids are here.
We are making jello.
Anyways, I'll talk about all this new stuff next week.
Or should I say…..old stuff.
As for this week, I have nothing to say.
I saw fireworks.
There were some thunderstorms.
I worked on my PS4.
Nothing to fancy!
You'll see it all in the BTS video.
I included some bits of those things.
But I'm saving the full videos for next week for the April Update video.
It'll be an interesting update.
I think I forgot to upload the March Update………
Ok, I'm rambling!
This picture happened yesterday.
It doesn't really have a story.
I just walked outside and looked around.
Like what I've been doing these past few weeks.
At least I had it all done a head of time.
I shall not rush myself!
If I don't have one ready….
Then I don’t have one….
I'm fine with pushing it off a week.
The iPad autocorrected to that.
Stop it.
Anyways, for the coloring, I wanted to bring out the pink tree.
There's A LOT of pink and purple trees all over the place.
I'll have to find a good purple tree for next next week.
I already have next week planned.
It took me a while to get the color down.
It just wasn't working.
The overcast skies softened all the colours.
That might have been me though.
I'm British half the time.
I did what I did last week for this one.
I turned it sepia and then brought out the colors.
I just brought out more than green.
Doing this gave the picture and undertone of orange.
But not as extreme as me changing the color temperature.
After 20 MINUTES of playing around, I got it down.
I did my usual contrast, clarity, and saturation.
With some sepia undertone.
And I cropped it!
Ok, it's time to compare!
This is before I cropped it....
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our on split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
The BTS video would have been short, but I added all that random extra stuff.
I can't help it!
So, the video would have been 10 minutes.
But now it's 18.
Not too bad!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
Ok! Done!
I have to get ready for next week.
The video isn't even started!
Again, sorry for the short post.
Life is busy!
Hehehe, I'm cutting into my nap time.

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