Daily Fun Fact

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Picture 363

Do you how do?
I'm half sick at the moment.
So, this post might be a little blah.
Did you notice the new colors!?

I went through and updated all my sites.
They have been the same colors since…..forever.
If you scroll all the way down, you can see all my site icons.
Most of my sites where just….gray.
But they had these colorful icons.
So, I made each site match their icon.
The blogs icon is red and blue.
It already had a blue background.
So, all I did was add a red gradient.
Then changed some of the link colors to red to give it some accent throughout the blog.
I think it looks awesome!
It's a nice little new year refresh.
I did that last week, but for today!
It's been a bad day!
It's always 72 in the house and my mom changed it to 68!
She's freezing me!
That's why I'm sick!
….sort of…..
It's a good thing I have an app that lets me control the thermostat!
But that's not all!
We got a boat load of snow and my Aunt can't come get me!
We were supposed the turn in the contest pictures today!
Friday's the last day.
So we have to do it!
And then I have to wait two weeks…..ish.
The show is on January 23rd through the 29th.
I must win!
I shall win!
Eat it haters!
Well….I'm my only hater.
I just don't see the EPICNESS that everyone else sees.
Maybe it's because I see EPICNESS all the time.
I'm used to it.
We continue the contest series that I'm in.
I made pictures with me and without me.
The ones without are for the real contest.
The only thing different is saturation.
Contrast, clarity, brightness and all that are the same.
Or they are adjusted to make them all look the same.
I have done full color and faded color.
This time it's selective coloring.
Only green and yellow are visible.
Oh, and blue.
My shirt blended into the background.
So, I brought blue up just a tad.
I think it looks interesting!
Part Two of this series is full of interesting ones.
But that's for a later date!
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our on split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
And…..that's it….
See, told you it was going to be blah!
There isn't a BTS video just yet.
There's still three weeks left in part one.
Then I'll upload the video for that part.
AHHHHHHHHH……yeah…..that's all.
I haven't had an exciting week.
Being sick is just…..blah.
Hopefully I get over it!
Tomorrow is an exciting day!
But you have to wait a week.
And then another one.

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