Saturday, November 17, 2018

Picture 442...

How have you been?
I don’t care…….


Winter makes me grumpy, I’m sorry.
I’ve just been so busy!!
First off, college.
I’m in my final semester and I CAN’T FAIL!
So, I’ve been trying extra hard to make that not happen.
My business class is getting a little scary though.
I can’t wrap my head around all the tax lingo and copyright laws.
I did get a 79 on the last quiz.
I’ve been averaging a……… 68.
But I’m doing better.
If I keep this up and do good on the research paper…. And the final….
I’ll finish with a 75 and I’m ok with that!
The other classes are fine.
I have a science midterm that I need to take today.
The video class is going along just fine.
I actually incorporated Jerry into one of the projects and my instructor LOVED IT!
I added a dark twist to the story that was exclusive for the class.
Like a spin-off.
But maybe I’ll include it into the main story.
We’ll see.
I am going to upload the videos to my channel when the class is done.
But like I said, my instructor wants me to do more.
He wants me to turn this into a franchise!
He thinks Jerry could get a good following if I do it the right way.
I’m keeping all this a secret from Jerry because he will take over the world if we aren’t careful.
So, yeah… the class is going along great.
The other thing that’s taking up my time is my job.
We are at an interesting point in the job.
My boss and I were talking and we have decided something.
My immune system sucks doing the winter.
I step outside… I’m sick.
And I’ve told him about my pneumonia issues.
So, we decided that I should be a video editor for the time being.
That doesn’t mean I’m doing shooting photos.
I had TWO photo shoots two days ago.
It’s just that we are dialing them back right now.
And when winter is gone, I’ll open up to doing photo shoots again.
All this is to keep me inside as much as possible.
Plus, I enjoy editing videos and my boss wants to really push into the video field.
We did a test last month where we shot an “online commercial” ….
… thing…. For a realty company.
And then I edited the whole thing afterwards.
He liked what he saw and how things worked that we went into phase two last week.
We shot SIX videos in one day.
There were most like videos bios for people working at Century 21.
They would say “Hi, I’m Jerry and I’ve been a realty for six years” blah blah you get the point.
They would tell their story.
And right now I’m editing those six videos, plus a separate video that’s not a bio video.
If this works out, which it is by the way, we are going to push even more next year.
And I’m there leading the charge!
So, that’s what I’ve been doing.
I’ve just been busy!
I know I said I would come back with the next Job Update video, but that’s being tough to edit.
Part two was 8 hours unedited.
That’s a lot to go through.
I’ve gotten it down to 4 hours.
So, there’s still a lot to do.
And part three will be worse!
Part two had about 600 videos that added up to 8 hours.
Part Three has 778 videos at the moment.
That means it could be 10 hours of footage!!!
Long story short…. I need more time to work on those videos.
I decided to make this post, video, and photo as a way of updating y’all on what’s going on.
Anyways….. ON TO THE PHOTO!
This photo has a simple story.
I woke up yesterday to the power being out.
Why was it out?
It snowed and people can’t drive? Maybe?
I don’t know.
All I know is that it helped me make a photo!
I was trying to think of a photo idea the day before and couldn’t think of anything.
At least I had an idea now!
So, I embraced the darkness and shot a photo with the power being out.
It’s simple!
I originally didn’t have the dogs…until I saw one of them in a test photo.
I had to do a 10-second exposure to make the house not completely dark….
…. And because the dogs can’t sit still, they looked weird in the photo.
Once I saw that, I had to have them in the photo!
The post editing wasn’t that hard.
I brightened up the shadows a bit because I was still a tad too dark.
And then I cranked up the saturation.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

That was comparing the cropping that I did…
This next thing will compare all the Photoshop editing I did.

Let's try the Image Slider for a split comparison.
CLICK and DRAG the BLUE BAR around to get our own split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
Ok, the video.
The video covers everything in this post.
Me updating about the job and shooting the photo.
It’s short, sweet, and to the point.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

I don’t know when the job updates will be done.
So, I’m not giving an official date anymore!
I might do a Christmas photo….
Maybe Thanksgiving….
I don’t know.
I’ve been a bah humbug lately.
I do still want to celebrate me crossing the TEN YEARS mark for these photos.
But I might wait until the tenth anniversary for the videos and do everything all at once!
We’ll see what I do.
I’ll see you when I see you!

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