Daily Fun Fact

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Picture 400!!!!

How you be?
I be fine.
If you didn’t notice, I’ve been missing for three weeks.

Why was I gone?
I didn't plan ahead.
I thought of an idea for picture 400 at the last minute.
So, I have everything all ready to go when I uploaded Picture 399.
I should have started three week before 399, then I would have had it done, and we could have moved on!
But no, I waited.
I would have just continued uploading...
I wanted this to be 400!
I could have just done what I did for 300.
The actual celebration picture was 309.
Mostly because we were moving at the time.
I didn’t have time to really make something.
But I do now!
There's no reason to push it off!
Which is why I didn't want to continue.
So.... I disappeared for three weeks.
Which seem like a weird thing to do after the last picture.
Makes it seem like Jerry kidnapped me............
I should have done that.
If I could go back in time I would...
I wanted that video to end on a good note, so he couldn't really kidnap me.
OH... OH!!!
399 and 398 should have switched places.
Then at the end of the video in 398 (which would be 399) I could have him barge in the room and kidnap me.
Then the three-week break would have made sense!
Oh well, that's what happens when you don't plan.
Maybe after this I should start doing that.
I used to make little short films on my channel before I started focusing on my photos.
So, I could make a video for a picture like what I did for 399.
Or have an overlapping story like what I WOULD have done.
But then how would I work out the BTS.
I don't know.
I'm still thinking things through.
Sorry, I rambled a lot in there.
My brain is all happy because I'm DONE... with this picture.
As you can see, 400 is a pretty big picture.
There's 191 Me's in there.
That's why it took so long to make.
A few of the Me's look the same.
As if I just copy-pasted them to fill in the space.
I didn’t.
I just did the same pose over and over.
I actually shot each Me, cut them out, and put them in.
Every... one.
So… yeah.
There was a lot to do and it took a long time.
Like I said, I should have just planned a head.
It took me a full 24 hours of editing!
Of course, it was three weeks.
It was terrible.
NEVER let me do this again.
This was too much and my brain hurts.
I’m rambling.
The editing process was simple.
Part one was getting all the Me’s in the picture.
Aligning them so they look right.
That is what took the longest time….
Drawing around each one…. Copy… paste…. Over… over… ookdksjopriojmorigmlkg
Then I fiddled with where each one is placed to make sure you can see everyone clearly.
After that, part two was making them look like they are supposed to be there.
There were some green spots where the grass got selected.
I erased that out.
I used a soft easer around everyone's head and shoulders to make the edges not so sharp.
Helps blend things together.
I did this part second so that I wouldn’t waste my time erasing parts that where covered.
There was a green border around EVERYONE.
But, I only had to erase it off of the head and shoulders.
Once that was done… part three was the coloring.
I didn’t go to crazy.
I was going to but it didn’t look right.
So, all I really did was add saturation.
Makes everyone POP!
It sounds pretty simple….. but it wasn’t.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.
These are the changes I did in Photoshop...

and these are the changes I did in Lightroom...

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our own split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
The video is just as epic as the picture.
I tried to make it short.
Here’s the what happened….
I actually had to make this picture three times.
First, I did some testing to see what I had to do…
Then I actually shot the picture.
However, the next day I looked at the pictures and I didn’t like how they looked.
So, I made the picture again!
I was all happy.
It was overcast so that would help with lighting.
And everything went smoothly!
I got inside and looked at how the pictures….. looked.
I forgot to focus the camera………..
Everything was blurry.
So…. I had to do everything over again.

So….. I had all those videos to edit.
THEN!! The actual editing of the picture had 27 videos!
Each 40-60 minutes.
So… I had to edit those!
And then there were some extra bits that I included.
So…….. the runtime of the video got to just under two hours…..
The video itself took three days to edit. 
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

I’m done.
It’s over.
I have some news about next week.
Since I missed three weeks and I wasn’t planning on it, next week I’ll do THREE PICTURES!!!
I did a school project that I’d like to show off.
So on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I’ll upload the pictures!
Each with their own “quick” blog post.
Then on Friday I’ll upload the BTS videos.
I usually don’t do videos while I’m working on school pictures.
I don’t want to distract myself.
I broke the rule a did some videos.
I didn’t record everything.
So, you missed out on some good stuff.
Maybe I’ll recreate what I did just so you can see.
Thanks for reading.
CLICK HERE to read the post for Picture 300.
I did a good recap in the post about the pictures before.
I would do one now... BUT I'M SO BUSY!!!

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