Thursday, November 19, 2015

Picture 358

So……….do you how do?
Is life treating you unfairly?
Are you sad?
Well never fear!

Call 123-456-7890 and someone will say sweeting things to you over the phone.
If you call RIGHT NOW you get 30 extra seconds.
Is life being too nice?
Are you happy?
Then call 987-654-3210 and someone will yell horrible things at you.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I hope those numbers aren't real.
Or they are numbers for…….something else…….
Anyways! I……am happy.
I'll have to call that number.
We can't have happy people now a days.
Everyone has to be grumpy and complain about everything.
They'll complain about being too happy.
And they can't go outside or eat anything because you'll cancer from the sun.
Or the grass…..or the air….or anything.
That's life.
We are grumpy whiners and we can get cancer form anywhere.
This post isn't turning out so well.
I can't think of what to actually say…so I'm rambling.
It’s true though.
T’is true.
We complain about everything!
We hate other people having a wonderful life.
“Why is he so happy?” “I want to be happy….” “I hate him because he's happy and I'm not.”
It's true!
So, I'm moving to Canada….
You don't hear about them in the news.
Maybe they keep things to themselves.
I don't know, it seems like a good choice though!
But videos games cost $80 up there.
That's not good for me!
Having writers block?
Well you're in luck!
Call………I need to stop.
(One day later)
I took a day off because I felt like it.
I was going to talk about my week….but I could think of anything to say.
……until now!
I got a call this morning.
From Sam's Club.
I filled out an application a month ago.
And there has been many issues holding me back.
I was going in every week and asking them if they are going to hire me.
“What's taking so long?”
And I have gotten many excuses.
Well, they noticed how hard I was tired and decided something.
There isn't a spot available where I want to go.
But there is a spot in produce that came up.
She remembered that I have been tired and wanted to see I'd take the spot.
And I did.
It's still a waiting game though.
I had to update my application and then they'll call me in for a proper interview.
It was nice that they remembered me though.
Looking back to what I said last week and the weeks before... I feel bad.
I'm in a tricky situation and I didn't want to wait.
I was going to try the Family Video right next to the store.
But they called!
And I thank them.
I still have to wait though…….
Anyways! That's enough about me!
Time for a story.
Two months ago……I did a project.
It involved…….the bath tub.
I wanted to get some underwater pictures…but I have no pool!
So, I thought of the next best thing!
After I finished the photoshoot……I was very unsure about the project.
The pictures looked cool, it was the video.
The BTS video had 3 hours of video….
Four different cameras……
That I had to sync all together.
Actually it was three cameras.
The GoPro had little random videos that I had to find where they went.
It took a while.
About 12 hours over a week.
But, it is done!
Once I got the video done, I focused on the pictures.
The videos isn't completely done, I just finished the photoshoot.
I'll include the picture coloring when I make them.
This isn't the only picture.
I have it done to three or four.
But I might cut them down to just one more.
I have to look at them better.
However, I did like this one.
So, I made it first.
I wanted it to look different.
So….I just messed around…….
I didn't keep track of what I did.
I messed with settings I haven't touched.
I really wanted it to stand out and look weird…and cool….and…different.
I think I achieved that.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Compare the non-cropped version so it's not so jumpy.

Amazing isn't it!
It's such a drastic change!
I love it! 
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our on split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
Ok! That's all!
The video will come next week if I cut out the other pictures.
Sorry it took so long.
It just looked weird to me.
Me…in the tub…with my clothes on…and four cameras.
It just looked weird.
But! I got over it and pushed through.
I'm just getting it out of the way and moving on!
I have a photo contest to get ready for.
So, I need to get those videos done.
I have many things to do and I'm running out of time!
If I get that job.
But I need this job.
It will help me get back on track and fix my brain!
We’ll see how it goes.
I should have a story for next week.

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