Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Picture 357

I'm happy.
Very happy.
I don't know why.
I just feel happy…

It's true.
I have had a good week!
The job thing isn't working out again.
So, I don't being nice about it.
I was giving them time to do things themselves.
But I keep getting “we're busy”.
Well, I tired of waiting.
I go in tomorrow.
I'm going to be annoying.
Hopefully they won't get mad and not hire me.
I'm just, tired of being pushed off and ignored.
I have had over $1,000 in medical bills for months now.
I can't get all the medical aid things because all the do is let you pay less a month.
I can't pay at all!
Ok….ok…..I need to stop.
Hopefully things work out!
Besides that, I have had a good week!
I finally looked at the park pictures we made a few weeks ago.
They look good!
I uploaded one picture.
I think we have some good contest material.
I don't know.
Judges are crazy.
I might think they are good and they aren't.
That's why my award was given to me by the people!
That like rain covered leaves.
Actually the things that won were close ups.
Of flowers and humming birds.
That's why my leaf won.
It was a good close up of rain on a leaf.
So, in the parks I tried to get close ups.
I just quickly browsed them and organized all the pictures and videos.
I need to actually go through and LOOK at them.
That one I uploaded caught my eye really quick.
I can't work on them too much.
Well, I can, I just need to keep the originals.
In case my Aunt wants to make changes.
Things are looking good though!
Ok, onto the picture!
Like last week, this one is about stars.
I have been doing quite a few lately.
That's because I'm getting better at doing it!
I used the big camera instead of the GoPro.
I wanted to get good quality pictures!
And I did!
I tried many settings.
Once I got it down, I tried to make an actual picture.
It took three time to get this right.
And it still wasn't right.
I had a different picture in my head….
Oh well.
Here's the other two tries…
Once I got it down, I tried to make an actual picture.
For the last one, I didn't like how I was blurry.
So, I did something risky!
I was doing minute exposures.
30 seconds in, 30 seconds out.
To make my transparent!
Without Photoshop!
So….without looking….I changed the focus of the camera.
I could see if I was in focus or not.
I was at least trying to focus on me.
Then on the 30 seconds out, I changed the focus back out onto the stars!
And…that almost worked.
I bought the focus in in me too much.
So…I was still blurry.
But! It stopped the stars for streaking.
The stars moved too much in the first two pictures.
Making lines.
So, the last one did look better.
And that's why I picked it!
Actually my mom did.
I couldn't decide.
But I secretly wanted this one to win.
For the coloring, I didn't do that much.
Ok….more than in think.
I turned up brightness a tad and then contrast all the way.
I had highlights all the way up and clarity as well.
And lastly, saturation was up a bit.
To help the temperature change look better.
It made it purple!
I loved it!
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our on split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
On to the videos!
There's a lot.
Like I said last week, I made an update video of random events through the month of October!
I does have some parts from before then.
I just put in random videos so I can cleanup my hard drive.

It's an hour and a half long!!!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
Next is what was supposed to be in the BTS video for this picture.
But, I recorded so much I had to cut it out. 
So, I made a beginning of November update.
Usually I do them at the end of the month and they recap the month.
Oh well.
That update video came out to an hour and a half as well!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
Lastly, the actual BTS video.
It covers the whole process of making the pictures.
I wish you could see all the stars in the video…
And I wish I saw a meteor too….
Anyways, the video is 39 minutes long!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
So, all these videos together would be 3 and a half hours….ish.
That's a lot of me!
And there's more to come!
I have made a lot of random videos lately.
I'm happy!
When I'm happy....I make things.
Pictures or videos.
So, the next video might be long as well.
HOWEVER! Even with all this happiness, I don't know what I'm going to do next week.
There is a project that I started.
Many actually.
We’ll see what happens!

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