Daily Fun Fact

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy B-day, You one Guy

      So, through out my years I (some-what) never had any bad feels towards anyone. At least...I think I haven't. I'm a nice person...unless you mess with my family. Once you do something that's not so nice to any one in my family, things get snappy in a flash. 
      Let's paint a picture in your head about a certain...not niceness. Your old. You have a two children. It doesn't matter how old they are. You are a loving a committing parent. Then, one of the children disappears, gets kidnapped, whatever. You don't know if your own child is dead or alive. Continue that for five years. 
     The first two years, you are clueless. You write letters asking he/she to come back, but you don't now what address to send them to. So, you just keep them I a paper bag. Then the third year, some one finally tells you that you child is alive and fine, but he/she won't come back. Then, the fourth year you are confused why he/she ran away and in that same year, you get into a car accident. Your in the hospital, very sick. You ask that Informant to ask your child if he/she would as least come and see you in the hospital. But, he/she doesn't show. On the five year, your health drops fast from the crash. You are once again in the hospital about to die. You ask the Informant one last time to get your child to come and see you before you go. The Informant tell you that you child wants nothing to do with you. You die a slow, heart-broken death after that.
      You leave your husband/wife behind. The one child you have left needs to use money that you put in a trust fund to take care of your wife/husband, but they need the go ahead from your child that ran away. He/she wouldn't talk or contact your last child. So now your wife/husband can't get proper care. Then later on, your wife/husband dies as well. Not from the non-proper care, but from getting really old. And now the child that didn't leave has to clean up the mess that the other one made from all of this. The End. 
      As you can probably tell, there is a person that did all of these things to my family. Well, sort-of. I had to change a few things to make it a relatable story. Basically, you are my 79 year-old grandmother, the Informant is me, and the two kids are my dad and my un......a man named Larry. There are a lot of details about me that I left out. But, I basically saw my SEVENTY-NINE year old grandmother go through most of this. If you did that to my family, things would get ugly. And if you did that to my family and your even in my family and I grew up with you thinking you your the best person ever, things just get serious nasty. My dark side would pop out of me like and alien in the movie Aliens and start rippin' faces! And that's what I did...not literally. I waited until my grandmother died because I was still giving him a chance. Once she left, I kicked him out of my life via an email. I haven't talked since and the last time I show him was on my birthday of that year.
      Larry's birthday reminds me about all of this because he left the year he turned to big five-o, 50. And that is an important time in anyone's life and so it's stuck in my head. So, there we go. I got my rant out. You can go to Larry's personal Facebook page and tell him "Happy B-day" or "Your a loser" or something. But keep it nice. He wrote a book too!! You can buy it for 25 dollars. Be careful though. The book is a little strange. It's basically an autobiography about stories that never happened and misleading events in his life that didn't go the way he says in his book. So, don't get freaked out. And don't get freaked out by his friends on Facebook too. They are all saying "Happy Birthday! The aliens say Hi too!" or something like that...They don't know what he did. They don't know he left his family. They are following his lies like a flock of sheep going off a cliff. Ok. I need to stop. I'm starting to get mean. 

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