Daily Fun Fact

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Picture 417 | Eight Years...

Sorry this post is late.
I haven’t been feeling so… delightful.

You’ll see in the video!!!
This isn’t an ordinary post or video.
I have been so busy with things that I forgot an important day.
The 13th would have been my 8th year of starting the videos!
And the website….
And everything else that followed the pictures.
A few years ago, I typed up a good post about how I’ve changed.
I need to do another one.
Like a proper post that details the year and the past years and how things are different.
Sadly…. That’s not going to happen this year.
My health had just been going down.
My lung is collapsed again….
Well… collapsing.
That can cause people to get fatigued easily.
And I have low Iron.
Which also makes you tired.
So, I’ve just felt drained these past few days.
I’ve been sleeping… ALL THE TIME.
I haven’t been eating right….
It’s a mess.
So, I don’t have the energy to really put together a good post.
I can compare thought!
Comparing from last year, the big difference is the loss of The Jolly Molly.
My computer screens have slideshows for backgrounds.
Many times throughout the day, it’ll pop The Jolly Molly up there.
Everyone who notices would stop and go “Awwwwwwwwww”.
Indeed, she was adorable.
I do miss having her around.
The family keeps asking me to get a new kitty.
I don’t want too.
It could turn into my brother’s cat or worse……. Cookie.
Maybe one day in a long distant future.
Ok, what else is different.
There’s not that a whole lot….
We were in the new house….
I had all my new cameras…
OH!! I got a new lens for the Big Camera.
I finally have some zoom!!
And it’s a decent amount of zoom!!!
I’m so happy!!!!
You’ll see it in the video.
Ok…. What else...
I had my other new things like the computer and the TV…
OH!! My room!
I did reorganize my room!
Which allowed me to utilize a dual monitor setup!
And a new Award Wall with new awards!!!
OH!!!!..... OOOHH!!
I started going to college for Photography.
After this current semester, I’ll be half way done!
That’s really the big important change.
That was something that needed to happen a while ago.
Even though it is taking away a lot of my time…
I needed to happen.
That’s all I can think of.
Onto the picture.
There isn’t really a BTS for the picture.
We were out getting pictures for a school project.
So, I tend to not record any videos and what not because I want to focus on the task at hand.
Well, we got to this cool tunnel and I decided to get one for the blog as well.
So, then I started recording some videos just to have something to put into the BTS.
This was before I realized that it was my 8th year of Internetness.
When I got home, I realized that it was!
And this picture could fit into the story.
Here’s how…
In all the past yearly pictures, I was either sitting or standing in an interesting place.
Last year, I made a picture with seven different me’s that represented each year.
Showing my journey.
This year takes that farther.
In the other pictures, I wasn’t moving.
However, in this one…. I am.
And if you couldn't tell, starting college was a big thing for me.
I’m finally moving in the right direction.
I’m… moving……
It’s crazy when things connect like that.
I didn’t even know what I was going at the time of making the picture.
It’s all in the subconscious!
For the coloring, I didn’t do much.
I warmed up the image and added some more contrast.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our own split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
Now, the video is a little long.
I was going to be short and to the point.
But then I realized the whole 8th year thing.
So, I turned into another SUPER LONG AND EPIC UPDATE VIDEO!!!
Maybe next time things will go back to normal and I’ll make short normal videos again.
ANYWAYS!! This video covers my week and the differences between this year and last year.
But… mostly about my week.
It didn’t should me editing the picture because the video was long enough!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

ALRIGHT!!! That’s that.
Thanks for reading and we’ll see what next year holds!!
I’m on a bi-weekly schedule now.
I forgot to mention that.
I keep missing my weekly schedule dates, so I might as well go every two weeks.
It’ll give me more time!

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