Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Picture 309 | The Celebration of 300 pictures...

So, it's time to celebrate.
I always celebrate about anything.
Everything that I have, I'm thankful for.
And everything that I've done.
I like to look back at every moment and see my story.
I do this at certain points.

Some key dates are March 13th and October 15th.
That's when I started everything.
And then I also look back at key Picture Numbers.
Every EPIC Wednesday Picture has a number.
I look back at every 50.
50, 100, 150, 200, and 250.
And I celebrate by having an EPIC picture.
However, when 300 came around, I was in the middle of a project and moving.
So, I didn't have time.
This picture took three hours to shoot and construct.
I wanted to have the most me's in it.
So, it took a bit of planning.
I was going to use all the shirts that I have.
I laid them all out in certain spots and thought about the how they would act.
Once I got all that done, I started shooting.
That wasn't that hard to do.
I had it all planned out so it went by quick and smooth.
The next and hardest part....putting it all together.
It took 2 and a half hours to get all that done.
Some me's went right in smoothly.
Other's....not so much.
I did have to size and re-arrange a few.
Once I got them all in the picture and in the spots, I took a break.
Actually...I went to bed. :-P
The next day, I worked on blending it all together.
Erasing the edges on some me's, some spot healing, adding in shadows, etc etc...
Making it look...ok.
For the coloring, I didn't want to go overboard.
I did do a lot of contrast.
It helps sink the me's into the photo.
I made sure it all blended together and look REAL!
It is a little rough in a few spots, but it's good enough.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Now compare just the Photoshopping part...

And lastly, compare the coloring part...

Many differences.
This was the biggest project...ever. far.... ;-)
This also was going to be the end.
The End that I have been talking about.
The great celebration for what I've done.
And I wasn't going to actually end it...end it.
I was going to move back to two weeks instead of every week.
I just don't have any time to do anything now.
I am now getting FULL TIME hours.
That means I don't have three days off...just two.
That's even less time.
I thought about it long and hard.
I even got it all on video too.
At the end of the BTS video.
I was saying my goodbyes.
And I was doing a lot of pauses and thinking.
Then, I realized that....I CAN DO THIS!
I just need to organize my time better.
Get on a better sleeping schedule.
Use my time wisely.
I can do this.
And YOU can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
It's 23 minutes long.

That's all.
This was going to be a sad post, but NO!!!

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