Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Picture 299

So, it's time to get ready for the finale of this project!
It's a good thing I have this already set up.
Between moving and working, I haven't made any new pictures.
The move is going good so far.
The house is slowly filling up and this one is slowly emptying.
This week end we should be moving the last big things...if anyone feels like it...
This desk with the computer, the entertainment center with the TV, our beds, so on and so forth.
This shows how much stuff we have.
Everyone ones room has piles of boxes with their stuff...but mine.
My room is empty, except for one dresser drawer in the corner.
That has some clothes and all my hidden collectibles.
Now, I do have other things.
We just haven't moved them yet.
I use all my things.
Like my computers, TV, PS3, blah blah.
We need to move the desk where my PS3 used to set.
That desk is going in my room.
It's where everything will be.
It needs to be there first.
And then I'll be PS3-less for a few days.
Oh well, I don't play that much anymore.
Only to pass the time when I'm bored.
Things are happening!
Just slowly.....
That's all I can think of saying....I lost my train of thought.
What was I doing?.......hmmmmm
I'm in WEEK FIVE of the Mirror Project Two...
You can see the others by clicking the links below.
 And then HERE'S the first Mirror Project.
I made all these pictures at once and I knew how they would be mirrored.
Mirroring is when I take a half of an image of and flip it, then line it back up with the other half.
That was a rough explanation....
You can see what I mean in the picture above.
This week is a step in the right direction towards the finale.
I always wanted to make some sort of picture like this a while ago.
I had this idea of me just walking down the sidewalk.
I didn't get too far in the plan though.
I didn't know where to put the camera or how I would be walking.
Well, since we are moving and I was running out of time here...I went for it.
I was able to incorporate it nicely into this project and the special video I'm making.
It just fit in perfectly.
Now I just need to run around and get other places that I missed in this area. :-P
Anyways, I loved it so far.
It's EXACTLY what I wanted.
For the mirroring, I wanted to go a step above last week.
I took the mirrored pictures and mirrored them again vertically.
So, that makes four. :-) MATH!
I had it all planned out too when I saw the picture.
I wanted to split the pole in the middle in half and then the top goes up to the buildings.
So, the pole looks like one complete pole and it does all the way through the picture.
And the buildings make a nice X shape.
It's all about cool shapes and lines.
I looked awesome, but I wasn't done.
For the coloring, I didn't want to go too crazy.
All I did was bump up the saturation.
It gives it some nice color.
I didn't want to distract your eyes with crazy saturation and contrast.
I still think is looks amazing.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

I love this one.
I hope other people do.
This turned out like what I have been planning for a few years.
Ok, on the BTS video.
It's 21 minutes 31 seconds and covers the making of the whole project!
The shooting of each picture and the colorizing of them all.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 

Ok, that's all.
Next week is even better!
And it'll be picture 300.

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