So, my birthday was yesterday.
I made a post about it.
Well, it continued into today.
I went to my grandmother's house to mow her yard.
See gave me a card and what not.
And then we went out to eat some where fancy for my b-day.
It was good....I'M SO FULL!!!
So one got me a present...except that lamp I showed in the b-day post.
I hope that wasn't the only one... :-\
I mean, I don't really care about the presents....but..... :-\
We are moving anyways and don't really have money to spend.
And I have a list of things to buy for myself.
I need to decoration my own room. :-P
I have a new TV, Camera, and Computer on the list.
Those are the main new things.
I'm not going for anything fancy.
The camera is just a step up from my camera.
It'll have more settings and things.
I wanted to go all out and get a NICE camera.
Like....$600 camera.
But, I'm being smart and saving my money.
That NICE camera would be cool though.
I could do so much more awesome things.
But, that'll be for a later date.
We'll see how the new camera works out.
I do like how you can change lens with the one.
But that might mean it'll be manual focus only.
I like auto-focus....when it works. :-P
For the TV, I'm just going one step above the little one I have now.
Nothing HUGE and fancy.
The computer is the only own that's fancy.
I was going for a beefy desktop.
But, I just stuck with a good laptop.
It has a touch screen too. :-)
See, I know how to spend money.
I could go all out on everything.
But I'm not.
Baby steps.
Ok, that's enough about me money!! HAHAHA!!
I'm in WEEK FOUR of the Mirror Project Two...
HERE'S Week One, HERE'S Week Two, and HERE'S Week Three.
And then HERE'S the first Mirror Project.
I made all these pictures at once and I knew how they would be mirrored.
Mirroring is when I take a half of an image of and flip it, then line it back up with the other half.
That was a rough explanation....
You can see what I mean in the picture above.
Like last week, I went super simple.
I actually had this one planned out, though.
I never was going to be crazy and complex.
It was just one of those simple pictures.
I predict it'll do OK.
I knew last week was the worst one and it was true.
It wasn't liked that well.
It still got a few likes though.
Hopefully this one does a little better.
I like this one a little better too. :-)
It's a build up to what's to come.
I only did one mirror this time.
It only called for one.
Just where my hand is.
Like I'm looking into another dimension.
For the coloring.
I wanted it to be simple again.
Since I was around trees I went with so super saturation.
I actually toned down everything but green and blue.
Makes me and the trees POP!
And then I brightened it up a bit.
I made a post about it.
Well, it continued into today.
I went to my grandmother's house to mow her yard.
See gave me a card and what not.
And then we went out to eat some where fancy for my b-day.
It was good....I'M SO FULL!!!
So one got me a present...except that lamp I showed in the b-day post.
I hope that wasn't the only one... :-\
I mean, I don't really care about the presents....but..... :-\
We are moving anyways and don't really have money to spend.
And I have a list of things to buy for myself.
I need to decoration my own room. :-P
I have a new TV, Camera, and Computer on the list.
Those are the main new things.
I'm not going for anything fancy.
The camera is just a step up from my camera.
It'll have more settings and things.
I wanted to go all out and get a NICE camera.
Like....$600 camera.
But, I'm being smart and saving my money.
That NICE camera would be cool though.
I could do so much more awesome things.
But, that'll be for a later date.
We'll see how the new camera works out.
I do like how you can change lens with the one.
But that might mean it'll be manual focus only.
I like auto-focus....when it works. :-P
For the TV, I'm just going one step above the little one I have now.
Nothing HUGE and fancy.
The computer is the only own that's fancy.
I was going for a beefy desktop.
But, I just stuck with a good laptop.
It has a touch screen too. :-)
See, I know how to spend money.
I could go all out on everything.
But I'm not.
Baby steps.
Ok, that's enough about me money!! HAHAHA!!
I'm in WEEK FOUR of the Mirror Project Two...
HERE'S Week One, HERE'S Week Two, and HERE'S Week Three.
And then HERE'S the first Mirror Project.
I made all these pictures at once and I knew how they would be mirrored.
Mirroring is when I take a half of an image of and flip it, then line it back up with the other half.
That was a rough explanation....
You can see what I mean in the picture above.
Like last week, I went super simple.
I actually had this one planned out, though.
I never was going to be crazy and complex.
It was just one of those simple pictures.
I predict it'll do OK.
I knew last week was the worst one and it was true.
It wasn't liked that well.
It still got a few likes though.
Hopefully this one does a little better.
I like this one a little better too. :-)
It's a build up to what's to come.
I only did one mirror this time.
It only called for one.
Just where my hand is.
Like I'm looking into another dimension.
For the coloring.
I wanted it to be simple again.
Since I was around trees I went with so super saturation.
I actually toned down everything but green and blue.
Makes me and the trees POP!
And then I brightened it up a bit.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.
It's not that big of a difference.
But it's still good either way.
I like it, but the best is yet to come.
It's 21 minutes 31 seconds and covers the making of the whole project!
The shooting of each picture and the colorizing of them all.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.
It's not that big of a difference.
But it's still good either way.
I like it, but the best is yet to come.
It's 21 minutes 31 seconds and covers the making of the whole project!
The shooting of each picture and the colorizing of them all.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.
These past two day were nice with my b-day and everything.
Maybe I'll still get more stuff later........
........I hope........
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