Daily Fun Fact

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Picture 239

(This post was typed up when I made my blog, almost a year ago.)
Well, this picture has been on the back burner for two years now. I made it on April 2nd, 2011.
So, I had these five pictures. I had to pick one and I picked the big one on the bottom.

Once I had that down, I need to answer this important question...How the Hello Kitty am I going to do this. 
After thinking few a bit, I decided on what exactly I was going to do.
I...would be...a SUPERHERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, first thing is to get the pose, that "I'm a hero" pose, that "I'M BATMAN!" pose.
And where is the where is the pose place to take that pose?...the bathroom.
I could lust climb up onto the roof and take the picture, but that's dangerous...and illegal.
I placed my camera in our cats bed because I need to be as low as possible ant he tripod wouldn't work.
Here's the picture that I got. Then I needed a cape, so I took this picture too...of a towel.
                               (Just ignore my cat Boots.)                                     (Towels are classic capes.)

Then, I got ready to put the whole thing together.
(This was before a found a good program to take screen shots and auto-save them. So, I don't have any.)
I started by using the quick selection tool (my #1 tool) to select the roof and then I cut it out and put it back in so that the roof was it's own layer. Then, selected myself (not including my cat) and pasted me in there. You can move layers around. That is why I made the roof it's own layer. I moved the layer of me below the layer of the roof. And that cause me to be behind the roof.I played around with the colors to try to get the pictures to match. After that, I selected the towel...cape and pasted it in there. I took out the color and drastically darkened it. Finally, I still played with the colors of me and the whole picture, and also added light nightlights by using the paint tool with it white and turn down the opacity to 10. 
After an hour, BOOM! We have a picture. It's below. I didn't get the colors to match nicely, but it's ok.
It took me two years to upload this because I didn't want to let it go.
I have a few more pre-made one's like these.
I don't want to run out!

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