Daily Fun Fact

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Picture 221

So, I had an idea.
I wanted to have picture made with a fish-eye lens.
But, there's the problem, I don't have one.
I had to make one...using Photoshop.
Here's what I did.
(Remember: The words above explains the pictures below them. Don't get mixed up!)
First I pick a jacket to wear.
I have a bundle of them, but I felt like it was time for Batman to return. :-)
So, I put it on.

I wanted the effect to look cool, so I though of a hallway.
The walls would curve and look nice.
I actually remembered to do some behind the scenes pictures!
That's me walking down the hall for the first shot. 
I wanted to be walking down the hall because it would look better.
Not just me fake walking, I actually wanted to walk.
So, I had to time it without looking.
Here's what I got. A bit dark and I wasn't walking good enough.
I took another one. Much better...but to dark...
I did one more and thought..."This isn't working."
So, I moved to the front. With more light.
And here's what I got...
I looked a bit weird, so I tried again.
Nope, I'm walking weird again, again.... So, I try again.
I don't know why, but I liked this one. It just seemed better to me.
So, I loaded it in to Photoshop.
First, I duplicated the main layer. So I have a back up.
To get the proper effect, I had to make the canvas bigger. So I won't get to many white edges.
I made it a nice, big size.
Then, I used an elliptical marque it select around the picture.
The closer it is to the picture, the more distortion.
After that, I added a Spherize filter.
Adjusted it to make the fisheye lens effect.
AND BOOM!! It's done!!
Then I cropped it to make it look nice.
And lastly, I removed the color.
ALL DONE!! Save it.
After all that, I added more contrast and making it pop.

While doing that, something hit me. I wanted to try out some other filters.
And just see what happens.
Here's the first. Normal, un-filtered.
The second one, I added some graininess.
One the third one, I used a pencil drawing filter.
The fourth one was a chrome filter.
The fifth one was the Cranquelure filter.
The sixth was gone with a mosaic tile filter.
And the last one, number seven, was a stain glass filter.
And this one won the vote. My mother picked it. :-P
I like it, it's cool, and different. Not to bad. It only to an hour to make all of them.

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