Well, it's been a while since I've seen my g-parents.
I still have g-parents. Two of them.
But there's still two missing.
Recently, my missing two FINALLY got their gravestones...
Or...my g-pa had his, and my g-ma's was just put in...or the other way around...
I can't remember. Anyways, they're there now.
So, I wanted to get a picture of them.
The one above was to send to the family, and the one below I secretly took.
I didn't have a tripod, so I was going to do what I did for a picture about my g-pa.
I'll just Photoshop myself in there. SIMPLE!!
(Remember: The words above explains the pictures below them. Don't get mixed up!)
Ok, here's the base photo.
I had to find a spot to match the lighting. I would take it outside, but it wasn't cloudy.
Then, I loaded them up.
First, I got to get me in the base picture.
So, I quick selected myself.
And all there I have to do is copy and paste.
I moved the me around to get the scale right. I wasn't sure how big to make me.
Once I got it figured out and I was in a good spot, I need to do some touch ups.
I need shadows. So, I drew in a shadow with the paint brush.
First on the ground.
Then, I selected me again.
And drew the shadow on me.
I had to select myself so that the paint would only be on me.
After that, I had to do so color adjusting.
A little tweaking here and there...
It was almost there. I cropped it. It would look weird with only half a me.
I just added contrast to the base photo to make is look better and blended.
Finally, I saved it and continued to play with the colors. I decided to go black and white.
And BOOM!! 30 minutes later. It's not bad.
To my trained eye, I can see bloopers.
But hopefully I'm the only one. :-)
I miss my g-parents.
I so happy with the one's I have left.
But there's still a hole...two holes...three...
But life goes on.
Someday, I won't have any.
Then, I'll be helping the one's who raised me.
And eventually, it'll be my turn.
And the cycle keeps going.
That's life.
Our unstoppable fate.
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