Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Picture 452...

Look who decided to stop by.
And you’re late!
Do you care to explain yourself?
Of course.
No excuse.
You just think you can go all willy nilly through life?
Well news flash!!

That’s what I do.
But I’m not late at least.
My week has been interesting.
Things are happening.
Mostly with the job.
At random times, I have been getting the PLEASURE of managing the photo deliveries in the morning.


It’s actually not that bad.
Reviewing the photos, making sure things are right, asking the editors to fix something if there’s an issue.
All that’s fine.
It’s just…. The emails….
Who does it go to, what email format do they get, who gets a copy, so on so forth.
That’s the stressful part.
And now I’ve graduated to doing this every morning.
So, I either need to learn fast or something needs to be changed.
Maybe we’ll streamline the emails to one simple email for all.
“Here… (paste link)”
Ok, maybe not that simple.
Or maybe I’ll get a list of who gets what.
With all the people we work with…
….. that’ll be a complicated list.
Other than that, the job is still going fine.
I’m still getting through that drone class.
There so much to learn now.
I remember when drones first came out and there were NO RULES!!
But then people were morons and now we have rules.
Whatever, I’ll get through it.
That’s all I got…. So…….

This photo wasn’t as simple as last week’s photo.
I still wanted to capture…. BLUE!
My camera has a mode that’ll only see one color.
I’ve done yellow and red in the past, now its time for blue!
The Aunt™ had these fancy blue plates that we could use.
So, I thought about a fancy picnic in the park.
Simple and easy.
We shot a test photo and….
It was good, but it needed more.
So, I did this very old trick in my book.
If you want to add more to a photo, just add more Me’s!
Thus, the idea turned into a picnic for four instead of a lonely soul.
But then, I realized that was too much.
The fourth me was to close to the camera and blocked everything.
So, I cut him out.
Now it’s a picnic of three with an extra spot for you!
Come have a seat!
What are we eating?

Moving on!
Once I got back home, I blended everyone together into the same photo.
It was a bit tricky, some parts didn’t line up and the lighting didn’t stay the same.
The selective color mode doesn’t allow manual settings.
It is what it is.
But I got it to work.
Lastly, I played with the contrast a brightness a little bit.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

That compared the photoshopping that I did.
Now compare the other changes that I did.

You know what, I'm actually starting to like the photo with me sitting all alone.
It's calling to me.
But, I already put in the work into the other photo.
This video is actually short for once!
…. Sort of.
17 minutes is still shorter than anything I’ve done recently.
It counts, and I’ll take it.
The video covers just this project.
Deciding the idea, going to the park, shooting the photos, and editing the photos.
And to stick with the blue theme, I removed every color from the videos… except for blue.
My camera could record it all with its built-in feature, but I wanted to use more than one camera.
Luckily, I found a super easy way to just show blue using Premiere.
So, I recorded all the video in color and applied that effect during my editing.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

I don’t know what’s happening next.
The Aunt™ and I did go back to the park I visited on for one of my photo shoots.
I think I mentioned that last week.
Anyways, I got some interesting photos while we were there.
So, stay tuned for that.
I’m also working on another project.
The script is ready, I just need a time to shoot the video.
Now that my mom is always home and I’m always not home, it’s hard to find that time.
Here’s a sample of the script that’ll hold you over until I can get it done…
I don’t know when.
I just have to edit the next video.
So, it shouldn’t be too long.

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