Daily Fun Fact

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Picture 428...

Do you how do?
How’s life?
I’ve been having fun!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Picture 427 | The Summer Class Finale...

How are things?
I’m fine.
We are currently at my g-parents house, cleaning it out.
That way this post is two weeks late.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

My Birthday 2017

Yesterday was my birthday!
I had a wonderful time!
We went out to eat and …… well….
That was it.
We spent most of the day cleaning out the g-parents house.
I didn’t get any presents because everyone is short on money.
I don’t mind.
I know how it feels.
I only have 8 dollars in my bank.
This post isn’t going to be anything special.
I’m just going to embed the b-day video below.
It covers a lot of things from the g-parents house, to what I might do in the future.
That’s really all I have to say!
I didn't feel like doing a live post like last year.
I really wasn't around the internet to be able to update this post.
At least my lung wasn’t collapsed this year!!!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

Come back Wednesday!!!.