Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Picture 406 | The End of the Jolly Molly...

So, this took a while.
It was just hard to get through.

This post isn’t going to be anything special.
I’m still in a bad mood over the whole thing.
If you don’t know, I’ll tell you.
The Jolly Molly… has died.
It happened last Wednesday in the night.
Over the course of the past few months, her health slowly went downhill.
She lost the ability to use her back legs and then she eventually just…. Died.
It did take a long time, but it was a simple death.
She just calmly…. Died.
So, now I have no more pets.
Well, that are mine.
Jolly Molly technically wasn’t mine.
But she lived in my room and I took care of her…..
So… yeah….. that’s that.
Of course, like when Boots died, I documented the whole thing.
This one was a little more personal, though.
I usually re-watch that video once before I render it.
I work out all the issues and make sure it flows.
This one, I watched many… many times.
It had to be just right to honor her.
Even though… it’s not.
The reason it got so long is because this took two months to happen.
I had a lot of videos!
Also, I didn’t cut a lot of things out.
Usually, I cut out long moments of silence, which are moments when I’m thinking.
This time I left them in.
They show how I feel.
It’s hard to explain.
Overall, I’m proud of what I made.
You really get the emotions of the whole ordeal.
 Especially at the end.
Around the one hour mark.
That’s when it happens.
And the way I composed the scenes after makes this the saddest video…ever.
But, it’s my life.
That’s why I make the videos and the pictures.
I’m documenting my life.

Anyways, here’s the video.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

That’s all I have.
Maybe in the future, I’ll work on another video highlighting her life.
I did a long post about Boot’s life when she died.
I have to dig and find some videos.
I will eventually, it’ll take time.
I need to get the contest stuff out of the way first.
So, that’s next week.
In fact, I might start it early.
Like, Saturday.
I’ll start uploading the Park videos of us walking in the parks.
Leading up to the contest in January.

So, come back Saturday!!

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