Thursday, November 24, 2016

Picture 404

Today has just been one of those days.
The past few days have…… :-\

I laid in bed until 3 PM…..
I woke up at 11 AM…
I just laid there…………….
I haven’t eaten yet…….
I’m too lazy to leave my room.
I think it’s Jolly Molly’s fault.
I don’t think I talked about it.
I did in a video…. Anyways..
Her health has sunk into the toilet.
She was all happy and normal and then… POW! She can’t walk.
Well, she can walk.
One of her legs is shutting down.
So…. She hobbles.
She’s also getting thin.
Just in her hips though.
She’s still eating and doing everything else.
I don’t know.
It’s just…. Sad.
She is 878234 years old.
It was going to happen sometime!
Because I’ve been feeling so…. Blah… I made a blah picture.
It was raining and I didn’t have any other ideas.
So, I made a gloomy rain picture.
Usually, I just set the camera up and get what I get.
I don’t mess with a scene.
However, this called for some tampering.
The window is being protected from the rain.
When I made the picture, it didn’t look right.
So, I went out and poured water on the window!
That made it look so much better!
I tried different angles but nothing else worked.
I liked what I got.
For the coloring, of course… I had to go with black and white.
I tossed in a boat load of contrast to make it like gloomy.
Also, some clarity to make everything crisp.
That’s really all I did…

I did crop the picture.
Here's the original...
Now compare the cropped versions.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our own split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
The video did get a little long.
It’s just under 24 minutes.
I did……. Something special.
It related to how I was feeling.
Plus, I showed A LOT of how I made the picture.
That took up 20 minutes of the runtime.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.

All done.
I don’t know what I’m going to do for Wednesday.
Hopefully I’m feeling better.
I DO need to get some school work done before it kicks back up on Sunday.

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