Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Picture 338

So....something very interesting happened this week.
That's why I missed a day again.
I didn't want it to happen.....
......but it did.

I quit my job.
I wasn't expecting to....
It just...happened.
Now fast forward another week.
I got distracted.
I started this post the day I quit last week.
But then I sit down a decided to take a break for a week.
A lot of crazy things have happened of the past week.
I have applied for a job at Costco, but they haven't called.
I've been thinking….
…did I do the right thing…?
I have pondered and pondered.
I have talked to all that I can talk to.
It's divided.
Some say I'm crazy and some say I'm smart.
I really didn't know how to feel.
But, not that a week has gone by, it's all calmed down.
Let I said, I had some talks and I possibly had a chance to go back.
Back to where I was with nothing different.
I thought about it.
And then there was another possibility that when I got back, I could go somewhere else in the store right away.
Because the reason why I left is because I couldn't push carts anymore.
And they wouldn't provide me with the tool to do the job right.
Without hurting myself.
But they didn't care.
So I left.
I know I should've thought it out first.
Not just quit out of the blue.
That's the main issue with the people that want me to come back.
I didn't think it out and should have stayed.
But I did think it out.
I'm a fast thinker in the right moments.
I can process situations and analyze the outcome.
That's why I’m good at debates.
I can see your flaws and turn them around.
At least, that's what I think I can do.
I don't know everything.
I was told that too.
I still have learning to do.
Which is true…I guess.
We will always learn something all the time.
It just depends on if it's important.
That way your remember it.
Think happened the way they happen.
I can't change anything.
I had a chance to fix it.
But I didn't quit just to come back.
I decided to not go with the plan.
It just putting my trust into to many promises.
I do trust people.
The people trying to help are really nice and I'm thankful.
But I have been let down to many times.
However, now the situation is critical.
I need a job……NOW!!!
I have a lot of money saved up, but it's not enough.
And then I have another dentist appointment at the end of August.
WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!!!,!!?.?.!...&$&$&£>{€>~€{?~?£€]*>**’m
I guess I thought Costco would have called right away and say “Here's your job!”
I was hoping things would get to critical.
Now that it's been a week, I'm worried.
Sure things take longer than a week, but I, still worried.
Is everything going to be ok?
What's going to happen?
And I want answers.
But, sometimes you have to wait to get the answers.
So, we’ll see what the next week holds.
Maybe things will be better.
I just have to look at the bright side.
A very dim….bright side….
Ok, I then I have ranted enough.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment down below.
I worked really hard to get those comment sections to work right.
You can use Facebook or a Google account.
Or just be anonymous.
It's fine.
I really like feedback.
I usually reply right away.
Or within the hour.
As long as I have wifi and receive the notification.
Anyways, let's get onto the picture for this week.
I made this picture the day after I quit.
It wasn't an actual missed day though.
I was last Wednesday and I don't work on Wednesdays anyways.
So they didn't miss me that day.
I did go the next day when I took my mom to work.
They missed me then.
I came back later that night and saw another cart pusher quit.
He had it planned though.
He was going off to collage…..
….maybe I should do that……
So now they are down two people.
Moving on, I wanted to capture how I feel at the time.
Also, there were a lot of like fuzzy thing floating around.
They have been for days.
There's a cottonwood tree in the back yard.
So, I wants to capture those too.
I got the idea of me just walking down the road.
I have done it many many times.
It would show that I'm fine and moving on.
It wasn't that hard to get.
It did take a few tries.
But I got what I wanted.
However, I was torn between two of them.
The one I picked and this one…..
The second one was a blooper.
I counted too fast and missed the timer.
But, I like it though.
The look on my face.
How I'm turning away from the road.
It looks like how I really feel.
I didn't want to leave.
I didn't want to move on.
But I had to.
I couldn't do the job anymore and they wouldn't help.
So be it.
That's why I didn’t pick this one.
I'll continue on doing what I do.
I can't let it bother me.
It's in the past.
A long week ago.
Now, for the editing part of the picture.
I just did my typical contrast and saturation.
Oh, and clarity.
Because the picture is just a bit out of focus.
But I still went with it anyways.
And that's it.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just what I wanted!
Let's try the Image Slider.
Here's how it works...
There's a blue bar in the middle of the picture.
That's the slider.
The slider will disappear when you move your mouse off of the image.
I did that so you can really see the split.
But, it'll come back when you hover over it again.
You can CLICK on it and DRAG it around to get our on split image.
Or, you can use these presets.
Before FULL, After FULL, 50/50, Before a QUARTER, or After a QUARTER.
Now….it's time for the juicy bits.
I have a bunch of videos that I uploaded over the week.
Ok, it's only three videos.
But they are really long.
The first one is one that I uploaded little while ago.
I do these monthly update videos.
I show how my month was and what I did.
I upload them at the end of the month.
So, this is May’s update.
It's 57 minutes long!!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
The next video is a good one.
It's the video I made right when I got home after quiting my job.
It's a 17 minute rant about what happened and how I felt.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
And lastly, this week’s Making Of video for Picture 338.
It's more than just a BTS video.
It includes a bunch of extra things.
Cool slo-mos, random videos, the usual.
The slo-mo stuff is worth a watch.
I did fireworks, glass bottles breaking with water in them, and water balloons.
It was fun!
I'll include the full videos of those shenanigans in the update video at the end of June.
The video is 39 minutes long!
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
That's all.
 That was an epic post.
I had to make up for being gone for so long.
Thanks for reading and watching the videos if you did.
Remember, leave a comment.
I have to get to updating things.
I updated my About Me section on this blog.
The link is above.
I'm also working on extra things that I'd like to bring to the blog.
Like I said, I work hard to make these things work.
Look around and see the awesome features.
I have to go now.

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