Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Picture 306

SO!!!! This is the first blog post typed on the new computer!!!
It's such a lovely computer.
It works way better than the one downstairs.

Well, the one downstairs it really old.
We got it a week before we moved into the new apartment.
Five years is a lot for a computer, if you don't take care of it properly.
Anyways, the new one is running well.
I can edit videos+the pictures+the blog post all at once. :-P
Without out any distractions.
Except for Jolly Molly trying to walk across it...
Things have been going GREAT!
I just uploaded my Monthly Update video.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 

I do that every month, along with post on the Update Blog.
(This month's post won't be up until tomorrow...sometime...)
Just letting you guys see what's going on.
It's a really long video too.
I record videos all the time.
They are like tiny update during the month.
Before I'd just not show them and through them in a random storm video.
And then record the end of the month video taking about my month, but not show anything.
Now, I'm showing it all.
It's quite nice.
I just recently finished up my room.
It looks like this...
Of course, it's never done.
I'll always add new pictures and things.
But the layout of the furniture is about as good as it gets.
I'm happy.
I'm on a good schedule at work.
I'm all settled down in my room.
It's nice.
Very nice.
Now, I need to get to making pictures.
The trees are changing.
I made many pictures today of just trees.
But, I'm not in them.
All the leave are already off of ours almost.
I'll need to hurry before they are all gone.
Speaking of pictures...
I decided to go easy for this week.
I'm finally done with all the series I had planned.
So, it's time to get random again.
So, I did.
The first thing I actually bought...for my room was my rug.
And I always had the idea of me just laying on it.
Framed nicely so you don't see the black border.
It's all Minions.
They have a jacket with the picture on it too.
I should have bought it and worn it. :-P
Moving on, the plan seemed simple.
But in the BTS video, you can see it wasn't.
I time lapsed most of me getting all grumpy.
I don't like it when my plans don't work out!
So, I had to redeem myself in the post editing.
I made two different pictures.
One with my actually on the rug...
And then an extra one of just my head, that I'll Photoshop on the rug.
So, if the real one doesn't work out, I can always do better by Photoshopping it.
I always try to make real pictures.
Photoshop is just final effort if I can't do it right.
It wasn't that hard to do anyways.
I moved on to the coloring.
I was going for some super saturation to make the yellow POP!
It'll make everything pop.
But, in the shifted.
You'll see it in the BTS video.
I was just playing around with each colors level.
I had everything down but blue, aqua, red, and orange.
Those were the only colors in use.
Well, I was just playing around and turned down the orange...
I was like, "Oh...interesting."
Then I put it back.....
But then I turned it down again...
I bounced back and forth for a bit....
Then I was like.... "That's...actually kind-of cool..."
Then I turned down the red, so I was just black and white pretty much.
Then only like left was the Minion yellow and blue jeans blue.
It looked lovely.
So, I went with it!
See, my pictures take random turns like that.
They can end up in a totally different spot.
I did the same to the Photoshopped one.
So, now I had to pick which on to use.
In the end, I picked the Photoshopped one.
It looked way better.
OH!! LET'S COMPARE!! Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.

Just for fun, here's the other one that I did.

I didn't pick it because of the shadow of the camera.
It made a black spot.
I was able to cover it up with the Photoshopped me.
Lastly, let's compare them both together!

It does look a little better!
I like it.
It's random and cool.
Hopefully things will get better though.
I can't lose my EPICNESS!!
Well, that picture was a part of an EPIC project...
This one is just epic by itself...
OK!!! On to the video.
It's 23 minutes and 30 seconds long.
It covers the WHOLE production of the picture...
Except for the camera died.
I had to go old school and use my camera to record the coloring part.
I lost my program that I used to multi-angle videos and screen capturing.
So, the camera worked nicely as backup.
I even used it in a new way. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 

I don't know what I'm doing for next week....
It'll be a surprise for all of us!

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