Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Picture 265's winter.... >:(
In case you missed it, for seven weeks I did a Fall series.
CLICK HERE to start at the beginning.
Since I can't think of any ideas, I'm just going to do winter picture now.
However, for the Fall pictures I took two on one day and thought of more the next day.
This time....I got one....yesterday.

And can't think of any more.
You can tell in this picture...I hate snow.
I like to look at it and take pictures, but to be out in
Unless I'm nicely bundled up with no holes in my shoes.
Like for this picture.
I had four coats on, with gloves, and I could have thrown in my dad's boots.
Then, I would have been fine.
I properly would have stayed out longer and go more pictures.
But I can't think of any for some reason.
I do want to be standing in a snow storm.
But who knows when the next will hit.
So, I did the first one that I really thought the SNOW!!
I hated it, but it was fun.
I did almost kill my camera though...

(PS-That video had no sound.)
That was terrifying.
I died twice.
You can still tell I was not having a good time, even though I did.
HOWEVER!! This was not the first attempt.
I tried a few days earlier right at first snowfall.
Here's what I got...
Yeah......not so good.
I look even worse....
Then we got more snow and I tried again.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original before editing picture and see the after editing one.

This picture was easy though.
Despite hating it.
Just a little brightness and contrast.
Ok, a lot.
And then I added a wide angle lens distortion and cropped it.
The distortion made me get a bit smaller in the frame and farther away.
I seemed a bit to close.
And thus, we have a picture.
Not the best, not the worst.
It does look like last week's Fall finale.
So, think of it as a blend into the Winter pictures.
So, it's all one series kind-of.
On most of my projects, I take videos of everything I do.
The videos get really long because I like to show every video and every single thing I do.
This video is no different.
The main reason is because I get distracted by LOADS of geese.
So, while making BTS videos, I took videos of them for a Winter video.
Well, I decided to just combine both videos together into one epic Winter video.
The beginning is the first picture that failed.
The whole time I was distracted by a BOAT LOAD of geese that kept flowing in.
So, I went to take pictures of them.
Then, a few days later, I save the penguins and take try again at the picture.
That second time, I try out my new video editing software.
It's a bit buggy and freezes, but it allows me to do more with the video.
On the lines of cropping them and having more than one frame on screen.
I only use it for those moments.
Like I said, it's buggy and freezes if I do to much.
So, I only edited the part with two videos and that's it.
The rest was in boring, old Windows Movie Maker.
The same I have used on EVERYTHING!
However, even Movie Maker had a boo-boo this time.
For some reason it saved the videos from my sister's camera.
Just look at the PANIC video at the top of this post.
Before it saved in widescreen.
I don't know what happened. :-\
It's saved the videos just fine before....weird.
Anyways, I'll only use the new program in certain situations.
And this situation worked out perfectly.
I can have two angles of BTS video at the same time!!!
It'll be great for storm videos and what not.
I like to have as many cameras going as possible!
Well, enough rambling.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below. 
Come back next week for something! :-P

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