Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Picture 238

So, I have been focusing on the day. Opposite of my last project.
Last week was the second week, and I explained the project in the first week.
And so, this is week three out of the three. The finale.
Ok, now let's get to the picture.

This one was like the week before.
It was dark and HORRIBLE.
But I used my magic and BAM! there I am.
The pictures go together like this...
I'm working...looking for something...
I'm still looking but notice something...
I found what I was looking for.
Darkness is so...dark.
Most of my pictures are either light...or dark.
If you haven't noticed.
I prefer the light. ;-)
Also, it's always a constant battle.
Should I make this colorful...or black and white...????
Of course...I like color.
But if the picture calls for black and white, I wouldn't hesitate.
There has to be a variety though.
If you haven't noticed, I do a mixture of things.
But most of the time, it's me just standing in cool places.
I'm running out of ideas and pictures though.
After doing 238 (almost) different pictures, you run out.
Unless I move...or something.
But like I said, my folder is getting empty.
I do have some really fun ones left, but I don't want to let them go.
They are all I have left that are good.
But, I guess next week... I'll have to do it. I'll upload one I made almost a year.
I need to make more.
Well, lastly here's the BTS one more time.
Like all my videos, this one isn't short.
It's 11 minutes 45 seconds of me walking around.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or look below.

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