Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Picture 222

So, this idea popped into my head, "On a mountain side"...So, I found this picture online.
I was like PERFECT!!
I thought about what to do and then went outside to take the pictures.
Outside in the hotness...while wearing a not good.
I angled the camera to match what it is on the mountain. I still was sitting up straight.
Here are the picture I got. Out of them I picked the big one on the bottom.
So, now that I have all I need, I got ready to edit. want to know a cool thing. I got this program that let's me take screen shots!!!
It's like using the print screen button, but it auto-saves the picture!
So, all I have to do is just press print screen throughout the editing and all the picture would be saved into a folder for me to get later! IT'S AWESOME!
Now I can SHOW you what I do.
(The words on top explains the picture below them. Don't get mixed up.)
First, I loaded all the pictures into Photoshop.
Then, I went through and selected myself using the Quick Selection tool.
After that, I copied and pasted myself into the mountain picture.
I re-sized me and placed me where that rock is on the mountain. It makes it look like my feet are in the snow. I didn't make it look like my booty was in the snow though...oops.
Then, I used a new technique on making my shadow. I usually just draw it in, but that's to complex for this picture. And I need a shadow or else it looks weird. So, I copied the layer that had myself and then mirrored it and stretched it.
Then, I blacked out picture by removing the color and over-increasing the darkness.
Then, I re-adjusted it and made it transparent.
Now, the fun part. Trying to get the colors to match. I decided on using a sepia filter on just myself.
Then, I rendered a spotlight lighting effect to make it look like the sun is shinning on me more correctly. Before, it was a little off.
Finally, I added a few final touches like a lens flare and BOOM! We have a picture.
You can still tell it's Photoshopped, but oh well.

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