Daily Fun Fact

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things Breaking

Ok, I have broke a lot of things. As you can see by the picture above, I have broken my glasses. My old T.V that I got for my birthday is broken. It wasn’t my fault, it got hit by lightning. The national WIFI accesses that I have on my computer (that allows my to get WIFI anywhere) keeps breaking. I have not broken a bone…yet. Now, on to my cameras, the reason why I made this post. My silver camera has a power button that does not like to work. I think I turn it off, and an hour later, I get it out and it’s still on and recording. My other camera has no problems…until now. The SD card that I used in my camera is broken. I was going to record a game bug in a game that I rented, The Saboteur. I noticed that my card was in “LOCKED” mode. So, I took it out to unlock it and the little yellow switch was missing. So….that’s just nice. I now have to use one SD card for two cameras. This stinks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Money…I have noticed how much I need money. But, why do we need it. I mean, it’s unnecessary. Why can’t everything be free? If everything is free, than there no problem. If we can make it free to make the product and than we can sell it for free. Think about it. If all the prices in the world went away, than people will be happy. But we need money to create order. If everything was free, than there will be crazyness everywhere. So, even though it’s annoying not have enough money for something and stuff, it’s ok, because money isn’t everything.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


People…Some are good, and some are bad. Some are stupid, and some are crazy. I am not a people person. I don’t like crowds or being in front of them. I’m okay with just a few people. My mom doesn’t like the stupid ones. Especially…the mobile ones. She hates when people drive crazily or weird. The crazy people are okay. It depends on the word crazy. There is psycho crazy, and there are the stunt crazy people. I am sort-of a crazy person on the inside. Oh…back to stuid people. Sometime those people have mental thing and they can’t help it. So, be careful about what you say, and try not to be one of those…people.